FAMZ96.[site] kembali memperkenalkan Software yang bisa mengunci folder anda. Folder Lock adalah suatu solusi yang lengkap untuk semua kebutuhan keamanan data anda. Software ini memungkinkan file data pribadi anda aman dan terproteksi dengan berbagai cara, baik PC atau flashdisk maupun dengan cara penyimpanan online. Folder Lock dilengkapi dengan kombinasi sempurna dari tujuh alat-alat keamanan. Software ini juga memungkinkan anda untuk mengunci file, folder dan drive. Sehingga, semua data atau file penting anda akan aman berada di tangan Folder Lock ini.
- Fastest Encryption: With Folder Lock you can now encrypt your files faster than ever. The program creates Lockers, without taking up much space and grow as you dump files in it. Lockers are encrypted, resizable, portable and ready for backup.
- Automatic Backup: Folder Lock 7 allows you to optionally backup all files and folders you keep in your encrypted Lockers automatically while you continue to modify or access your encrypted files.
- Additional Security: Users can now achieve true portable security, application level password security, activate stealth options, shred files, make wallets, clean history, auto protect the application and all its files, use virtual keyboard to type passwords to prevent key logging of any kind and can prevent hacking and incorrect password attempts.
- True Ease of Use: Folder Lock 7 leverages NewSoftware's highly regarded graphical user interface. Existing Folder Lock users will be immediately productive: it's the same great console they already know and love. New users will find Folder Lock 7 remarkably easy to configure and use. Even relative novices can use all features of the product without going through all the jargon and how tos.
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Password :famz
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