Counter Strike Xtreme v6 adalah permainan atau game PC tembak-tembakan. Anda pasti sudah mengenal game Counter-Strike ini. Anda bisa memainkan tim counter-teroris melawan tim teroris. Anda dapat membeli dan menginstal game online menggunakan platform Uap. Ini hanya membutuhkan DirectX 9 graphic card.
Counter-Strike adalah game yang pernah populer. yang pasti, bisa multiplayer shooter. Software ini merupakan penambah untuk game Counter-Strike dasar. Ini adalah mod untuk Counter-Strike 3D yang membuat efek mekar
Key Features:
- Posted 40 types of weapon and player models (which is added and not replaced)
- The effects of the murder
- Its sounds for each weapon
- New special effects
- Lights Weapons
- Included in the assembly of six mod: Zombie Unite,Team match,Zombie Mod 3,ZombieScenario,Ghost Mod plus new effects and animation
- Fixed error when connecting
- Works Search Servers
- Added patch solves the problem with error “Component ‘MSCOMCTL OCX’ of one of its dependencies not correctly registered …”
Game modes:
- Normal – classic game
- Zombie Unite – Zombie mod,where you can choose who to play (you can select the person or zombie)
- Team match – the team play on a team with instant respawn
- Ghost Mod – you against a team of ghosts are barely visible and they are armed only with knives
- Zombie Mod 3 – the classic zombie mod. an infected attempts to infect all the other Zombie Scenario – alone against hordes of zombies. need to survive and destroy the main and ghouls
Operating System: Windows XP SP2 / Windows Vista / Windows 7
Processor: AMD Athlon 1200 + / Intel Pentium 3 1.2 GHz
RAM: 256 MB
Video: nVidia GeForce 2 MX / ATI Radeon 7xxx
Sound card: compatible with DirectX 9.0
Free hard drive space: 1.7 GB
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Password :famz
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