Download AIMP 3.00.961 RC 2 Portable - AIMP 3 adalah Sebuah multimedia player yang populer dikarenakan kecanggihan yang mencakup audio converter, recorder, dan tag editor. Termasuk memiliki antarmuka yang mudah digunakan, Size yang kecil dan menggunakan minimal sumber daya sistem. Dan tidak lupa media player ini memiliki skins yang keren-keren dan mantap sehingga betah melihatnya setiap hari, selain skin bawaan yang tersedia, tersedia pula skin yang dapat di download secara gratis.
Fitur :
- Multiformat Playback: MP1, MP2, MP3, MPC, MP+, AAC, AC3, OGG, FLAC, APE, WavPack, Speex, WAV, CDA, WMA, S3M, XM, MOD, IT, MO3, MTM, UMX
- Crystal-clear sound, technology of reproduction essentially differs from Winamp and WMP;
- Internet radio - Listen and capture internet-radio stations to OGG / WAV / MP3 formats
- Online Radio Browser - View catalogs of Shoutcast and Icecast services
- CoverArt Downloader - Search and download album covers from the Internet
- Tag Editor - You can easily edit tags of audio files and rename group of files, sort files by template or apply tags to a group of files
- Audio Library - Represents the music files organizer, which allows you easily organize your music, set marks for listened Tracks, keeping playback statistics.
- Great functionality and user-friendly interface
- Creating bookmarks and playback queue
- 18-band equalizer and built-in sound effects - Reverb, Flanger, Chorus, Pitch, Tempo, Echo, Speed
- 32-bit audio processing - For the best quality!
- Work with multiple playlists - While one plays - you work with another
- Support for plugins - You can add new utils or extend already existing
- Multi-user mode support - Are several users working with one computer? This is no problem!
- Multilanguage interface
- Hotkeys - Configure local and global hotkeys as you wish!
- Files search - Search files on all opened playlists
- Flexible programm options
- Alarm Clock
- Auto shutdown the computer - You can sleep while listening favorite music, just set the timer to shutdown the computer at given time or on playback finis

Download DISINI
Password :famz96
wah gauel nih ifonya gan buka juga blog ane ta gan
follow juga ya di blog ane :D
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